Friday, May 15, 2009

Our Newest Addition

Meet Basil, who at this very moment is reinacting a fire alarm as he protests to going to bed. However, no amount of headaches, sleepless nights, or potty accidents could make me stop love him! For the past two nights Basil has suckered not only me but also Stephanie into allowing him to sleep with them. Now tonight as I, Mommy, and the only one home am putting my foot down, he must learn to sleep in his "home." ... After 40 minutes, Basil has FINALLY gone quiet which means he has fallen asleep!

Many of you who know me well know how much I long to be a mother... well I am a mother. I am a mother to Sage and to Basil, and quite frankly anyone who thinks otherwise must not have experienced the feeling of bring the puppy home, seeing them grow, and going over all the "milestones." Like the first time they climb the stairs, give you a big sloppy kiss, or fall asleep in your arms. Most of all you realize that you are this puppies parent, they look up to you, come running when you come home, and cry when you leave. The bottom line is if being a mother to my beautiful puppies makes me feel like this what will it feel like one day when I am blessed to bring a child into this world? The truth is I am ready and waiting, but learning to be patient.

Loving my family,