Monday, April 13, 2009

How to successfully procrastinate!

1. Find an alternate activity (I.E Blogging)
2. Procrastinate your list until getting bored with the first....

So here I am blogging when in fact I have two English papers that despite my best efforts have failed to write themselves. Why? One may ask... and I would reply because the hands of time are against me. I know that there are critics out there that may attempt to persuade me that it is in fact my own doing that keeps these papers from being written. I say that is a lie, why would such a person as I purposely cause time to pass quicker than a paper could feasible be written? They wouldn't and for this reason I say that they world needs to give me a day off because time is not doing me any favors. Alas, the joke is on me because as I contemplate a day in which the world could give me off, the world has instead thrown more work a top my plate! Undoubtedly this will most likely fuel the fire of time and will not allow these papers to be written. So without time what am I to do? I know, I know I hear your thoughts through this screen. In fact I feel the piercing stares of many pleading that I stop my blogging and write this paper! I will listen, though it is against my better judgement.


Anonymous said...

yay for procrastination. i always wondered why my papers would never write themselves when i was in high school. stupid papers. :)