Thursday, July 9, 2009

I want to be a mother...

So I can rock-a-bye my babies.
So I can awake in the middle of the night to hear them cry because that means they are here with me.
So I can sing them lullabies and teach them finger-plays.
So I can have my kids sleep in the middle and get kicked out of my own bed.
So I can dress up my daughters in cute little Easter clothes and put their hair is pigtails.
So my husband can carry our own kids on his shoulders and fly them around the yard.
So I can take them to the grocery store and end up with more than was on my grocery list.
So I can see them smile.
So I can turn their frowns around.
So I can breast feed.
So I can teach my kids about Jesus.
So I can have family home evening with them, even if they don't pay attention.
So when they are hurt, I can kiss their owies better.
So I can take my kids to the park, the zoo, the fair, and everywhere in between.
So I can listen to my own children playing in the next room.
So my house can be filled with their toys.
So I can teach them how to respect others.
So I can share with them all of the greatest holiday traditions.
So I can play dress up with them.
So I can play soccer with them.
So my husband can give our kids wheel-barrow rides.
So I can have the title: Stay-At-Home Mom.
So I can love them to pieces!
So I can get dandelion bouquets.
So I can wear a baby-sling.
So I can teach them how to cook.
So I can clean up all their messes.
So I can read them every book at the library and share my love of reading.
So I can get a sacrament meeting flower on Mother's Day...and not feel pitied.
So Disney movies will reign the DVD player.
So I can make an awesome birthday cake for their birthday.
So they can play with their cousins, and realize the importance of family relationships.
So I can spend my night time hours doing bedtime routines.
So I can say things like, "Because I said so." and "Clean behind your ears."
So I can load them all in the van and enjoy every minute of it.
So there will be fruit snacks, graham crackers, and juice cups all over my van.
So I can have my front porch covered in sidewalk chalk.
So we can lie in the grass in the summer air and look for cloud shapes.
So I can be the "guest of honor" at a baby shower.
So I can give them everything I have to help them to become the best person they can be.
So I can someday send my kids to kindergarten...then off to college.
So I can become a Mother-in-law.
So I can become a grandmother.
So I can become a great-grandmother.
So I can make cookies and have my kids decorate them.
etc, etc, etc...

And all this I will do with joy because I will know that they are my little blessings. I can not promise I will not complain, but I can promise that at the end of the day I will count my blessings that Heavenly Father brought them into my life. Because I will know and remember life without them. I look forward each day to being a mother, and will work each day to better prepare myself for motherhood, because it is truly the highest calling in life.


Megan & Alex said...

Oh my goodness! Allie that was absolutly beautiful!

OlmsteadFamilie said...

Thank you, I just want to be a mommy!

Megan & Alex said...

I totally understand! I have had baby fever since I was 16 years old! Good luck! I know it will happen all in good time!

Tyson and Capri said...

You will be the best mommy allie!!!