Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Game of Life

So the other night... I believe it was Sunday... Steph, Nate and I sat down for what would seem like any other game night. Now I should preface this by saying that I am the LIFE champ... I have been beat but statistically win more. Now for those of you that don't know the new life is a bit different than the the original. When the game begins you choose 1 of 4 paths Learn it (College), Live it (Adventure), Earn it (Workforce), and Love it (Marriage and Family.) Well I choose Learn it and after a few years (turns) I had earned my PhD... no small feat may I add. I then proceeded to Earn it and was promoted twice! Then after planting my feet firmly on the ground, I went on to Love it! Now shortly after getting married I had TWINS! Then the next turn... TWINS! Wow... well fast forwarding to the end of the game I had 9 children, 4 sets of twins and the youngest was a little boy. I think it was then that I decided that I want this to be my life... you no minus the sports car, 2 houses, and the mansion... not that those would not be nice but that is not what I am seeking. I want the children... I want to have 4 sets of twins and a little baby boy. Now is that too much to ask? I think not so when I go to the Dr.'s tomorrow I will let him know of my plans. Please hold your laughter at least till you finish reading this because those that know me I am not joking...
I love board games! They provide such laughter and entertainment. In this case they even provided a new life direction and goal. So thank you to the game of life.
PS. Nate says that he wants 4 kids and a tank because that is how many he can fit in the tank! O' how I love him!