Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I went to the Doctors this morning to see the results of all the tests and there was nothing surprising. The Dr. says that according to the tests I do not ovulate... which I am pretty sure we already knew. So now for the list of medication that the Dr has prescribed:
1. Metformin twice a day
2. Provera once a day for 7 days
3 100mg Clomid 2 a day, days 3-7
We will wait and see if this works because really that is all we can do at this time. Hoping for the best!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Game of Life

So the other night... I believe it was Sunday... Steph, Nate and I sat down for what would seem like any other game night. Now I should preface this by saying that I am the LIFE champ... I have been beat but statistically win more. Now for those of you that don't know the new life is a bit different than the the original. When the game begins you choose 1 of 4 paths Learn it (College), Live it (Adventure), Earn it (Workforce), and Love it (Marriage and Family.) Well I choose Learn it and after a few years (turns) I had earned my PhD... no small feat may I add. I then proceeded to Earn it and was promoted twice! Then after planting my feet firmly on the ground, I went on to Love it! Now shortly after getting married I had TWINS! Then the next turn... TWINS! Wow... well fast forwarding to the end of the game I had 9 children, 4 sets of twins and the youngest was a little boy. I think it was then that I decided that I want this to be my life... you no minus the sports car, 2 houses, and the mansion... not that those would not be nice but that is not what I am seeking. I want the children... I want to have 4 sets of twins and a little baby boy. Now is that too much to ask? I think not so when I go to the Dr.'s tomorrow I will let him know of my plans. Please hold your laughter at least till you finish reading this because those that know me I am not joking...
I love board games! They provide such laughter and entertainment. In this case they even provided a new life direction and goal. So thank you to the game of life.
PS. Nate says that he wants 4 kids and a tank because that is how many he can fit in the tank! O' how I love him!

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Ten-Plus Most Annoying Thinkgs to Hear When Your Trying to ger Pregnant

"Just relax and you'll get pregnant" (Who hasn't heard this?)
"My friend pink adopted a child and got pregnant the next day. Have you considered this? You mean have I considered adopting a child for the purpose of getting pregnant... nope hadn't crossed my mind.
"Have you tried..." "Have you read..." "Have you heard..." (These normally end in something absolutely silly/unrelated when it comes to fertility)
"... it took us four months to conceive our third child" Operative words FOUR and THIRD... please someone tell me how this compares? There should be a law against comments like this!
"I can't believe you are having such a tough time I get pregnant every time my partner walks into the door" (or some form of the same comment)See above comment
"Things could be worse" (No really?)
"I bet this experience has brough you and your partner a lot closer" Of course, so would brain surgery... you should try it!
"Are you pregnant yet?"
"You are still not pregnant?" Stressing the still...
"Do you have a good Dr." Actually I am using a vet but thanks for asking!
"Plenty of people live happily without children" Thanks for sharing!
"Heavenly Father has a reason/plan/purpose for putting you through this" Although this notion may be true... trust me I have already thought of it you don't need to tell me.

I hope someone got a laugh out of this because I know it was good venting for me to write it.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Fertility or lack there of!

Alright, so today I went to see a new fertility Doctor. I am saying this knowing that there are those out there that do not care to read this... so if you are in that category cease reading at this time!
This is what he said: He believes that I have some degree of PCOS (Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome.) He is going to run a few tests to ensure that there are not any other problems. The tests are: an endometrial biopsy, a hysteroscopy, and a funky ultrasound that I don't know the name of. After that I will be taking clomid again, along with the dreaded metformin. The metformin previously made me very sickly, but this new Dr. wants to try it, so I am going to trust him.
Please wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

What joy life can bring

A great deal of changes have been happening in the Olmstead house. With my graduation from MVCC coming at the end of the year I have been trying to choose which colleges to apply to. I have narrowed it down to two different schools: SUNY IT in which I would major in psychology or if I am able to get into the program Utica College Occupational Therapy Program. I am really hoping for the second but will have to wait and see as the time gets closer. Of course we are still working towards becoming foster parents and are still on track to be done around May/June time frame. I am also going to see a new Doctor about my fertility issues and Nate and I are going to try once again to conceive. We are not getting our hopes up, but want to give it another try. This does not change our plans for foster care as we still plan to do foster care even if I do become pregnant. That is probably more than everyone needed to know, but that is what I get for blogging after my bedtime.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Kyle's Rule

Alright so I talked to my brother last night, at least it was night for him and he says that I need to update this thing more often. His rule is that it needs to be updated once a week. Well... I suppose I can do that. The challenge will be finding things to write about.
In this case though I need to post a picutre just for Kyle and my Dad...

Monday, March 2, 2009

One down Six to go!!!!!!!!

Today we had the first "class" meeting with the social worker. There are six books in the program and after each book we have to meet with the social worker. Anyways we are aiming to be done with the process by the middle of May. We are so excited! We recently purchased bunk beds, so now we have three twin beds!!!! We still need to get dressers and such and finish painting the last bedroom.
Not sure if I told everyone this so I will include it as well. We are going to do foster care for children ages 2-6 from various backgrounds and cultures. We are hoping to do care for sibling groups, with up to 2 children at a time. Then of course we hope to adopt! Well I am tired... so I am going to nap!