Yesterday, after a visit to the ER, we found out that Baby B had stopped growing. I just sat there as the ER tech kept trying to find Baby B's heartbeat, she tried for over 30 minutes. I kept asking her if she could see the heartbeat hoping that the little blueberry was just being shy. She lied, for my benefit, and said that she could see it. As she began to measure the baby I knew, Baby A took up more space and was beginning to take a human shape. Baby B stopped growing at 7 weeks when it was only the size of a blueberry, it is now our angel baby. Baby A is right on track for growth and has a heartbeat of 185.
My question has always been how does someone deal with loss of the life inside them? Even more importantly how do you mourn the loss of one and celebrate the health of them other? Our way has been to find the good in the entire situation and I would like to share that.
1. Heavenly Father never gives us anything we can not handle, he has prepared us for this through our faith and the friends/family that we have.
2. Baby B has returned to Heaven, for a reason we are not aware of this baby was not ready to come to this earth but will continue to watch over us from Heaven.
3. Something was wrong with Baby B, either it's heart of nervous system was not strong enough to sustain life and Heavenly Father knew that.
4. Baby B will always be our baby.
5. Baby A is healthy and strong providing us with overwhelming hope of what the future holds.
6. Our marriage is only being strengthened through this experience and we are blessed to have each other.
7. The blessings of the Priesthood surround me providing me comfort I never thought was possible.
8. Our blessings are limitless
In short we are choosing to celebrate both our babies. They will both forever be apart of our lives for their own special reasons. Please continue to pray for Baby A and remember there is always more to thankful for in our lives, sometimes it is just harder to find.
With all my love for your continued support,
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Counting our Blessings
Posted by OlmsteadFamilie at 11:27 AM 2 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
Baby A and Baby B
These are my babies, cute as they can possibly be @ only 5 weeks and 6 days. The nurse was able to see both babies, although the pictures do not show both we did see them. We honestly feel so incredibly blessed! In addition the love and support we have received from family and friends has been amazing, more than I ever anticipated. We will most likely be seeing a great deal of our babies over the next few weeks and I will continue to update with pictures. It is only 34 weeks until I am able to hold my babies, my gift from Heavenly Father! I am just filled with gratitude that he has given me such a wonderful blessing!
Posted by OlmsteadFamilie at 6:35 PM 6 comments