Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm a future Mommy!

Right now Nate and I are in the process of putting our life stories on paper to become foster parents and may I just tell you their are questions I never expected to answer. We are both so excited to become parents and will do all this paperwork with a smile on our faces because we know the reward for our patience and labor. I am personally feeling the joy and excitement rushing throughout my entire body, this is what I have been looking forward to since the day Nate and I were sealed for time and all ETERNITY. The support we have received has been absolutely amazing, it has truly shown us how many people we have that love and support us.
I AM GOING TO BE A MOMMY! I am so excited, and nervous because I want to be the greatest Mommy possible and help our children/foster children to reach their potential and beyond. Like every other parent, I want the best for our future children!!!!! Well now that I am just rambling... but honestly words do not describe my excitement. Thank you again to all those that have showed their support!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Nate and I have been hard at work cleaning our house to prepare for Friday, when the social worker comes for a visit. We really do not know what to expect, but home that all goes well. Wish us luck :)
Other than that let me see, Sage is starting to calm down a little. Mostly for Mommy because I am the enforcer! However, Daddy is her playmate and she rarely calms down around him. We have been socializing her with another dog and that has been helping. Since there is a language barrier between Sage and us (LOL.) That is really all I can think of not much else is going on. Nate loves his new job and I am adjusting to school. Till next time!
"What you are is God's gift to you, what you become is your gift to God."