Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Children and Craziness

As most people know I am a full-time nanny and 99.9% of the time I love my job. However there are some days that I would give anything to go back to my office job. The good thing is being a nanny gives me time to get my homework done, most of the time. Speaking of homework, my semester ends next week and I get a much needed break till I start back. I wish I could say that I see the light at the end of the tunnel but once I am done with my AAS I want to go for me BS and then hopefully continue for my masters.... so as you can see I have a long road ahead of me. If it could some how all be over that would be great but I am enjoying it as it comes for now.
I have finished all my Christmas shopping and am now in the process of waiting for a few things to come in the mail and then send things out. I don't know if I will get Christmas cards done this year or not, I guess we shall wait and see. I will post pictures later of our Christmas tree is is of course decorated in GREEN!!!!! Sage is not sure of it yet and enjoys running circles around it, but that doesn't surprise us. Anyways I should get back to work!!!!